Senin, 02 Mei 2011

PhD Economics Studentship in Enhanced Performance of Sandwich Structures

The PhD Economics project includes an internship of 4-6 months, a doctoral student at the University of Southampton, School of Engineering Sciences, the United Kingdom. The project also involves a close cooperation with industrial partners Siemens Wind Power, Denmark and LM Blades Wind, Denmark.

PhD Economics Sandwich structures are seen as important tools for the future of lightweight structural applications because of their superior stiffness / weight and strength to weight ratios and disadvantages of the traditional metallic monolithic structures made of composite materials. A major limiting factor for wider application of the sandwich structures is that defects are introduced into the manufacturing process. It is inevitable that areas of the face sheets does not fully comply with the basis for deficiencies as "off" known. As the funds are lost to the charge transfer between the faces and the base layer, come from than the initiators of the primary damage. Off can also be induced in service, because such significant local pollution or due to high stress. off under fatigue loading can in tears, to develop a decline in structural development and error. PhD Economics In the design of composite sandwich structures, it is therefore essential to establish the minimum tolerable size, and thus take the damage tolerance of the structure.

Application deadline: 27/06/2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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